Thursday, December 17, 2009

A dear friend of mine sent me an article she wrote. As I read it I realized this is exactly my prayer for "the church". She shared with me that there were many times that she sat through prayer meetings listening to others share prayer needs, but felt that if she shared hers it would make her family the brunt of gossip. It is time that we stop "playing church" and start "being the church". She shared with me that prayer preceded every victory during their struggle and that prayer is what will preced the continued victories in their family. As we continue throughout this Christmas season let's be "the church" that Christ was born and died for.

With the permission of my sweet friend I am sharing her article with you. As you read it think if there is someone you can reach out to.

Reflecting on my life over the past two years, I have seen God's grace carry me through the most difficult days of my entire life. It comforts me to know that I never lost a sense of God's presence and steady hand holding on to me. The spiritual battles in my family during the building of our church were deeply troubling, but God was also faithful. Many times my only goal was not to cry at church. Stepping into the sanctuary for our first worship service was emotional for me, as if a high price had been paid for something precious. But isn’t that how Jesus feels when He looks at us? Didn’t He pay the highest price because of His love for us?
I can say that the sorrows in my life have made the victories sweeter. When I see my sons praising God with their instruments, I am speechless with thanks to Him. The song inspired by Job 1:21 speaks my heart: "Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise, and when the darkness closes in Lord, still I will say, 'Blessed be the Name of the Lord.’ “
“Reflecting The Light”....this year’s theme for Women’s Ministry... makes me ask myself this question: If I am a mirror reflecting God's light onto others, how do they see themselves when they encounter the God in me? Do they walk away seeing themselves as a person that God values? Even broken mirrors can still reflect light if they’re clean, so I’m asking God to forgive the smudges and restore the shine I have lost in the struggle. I trust Him for even the strength to turn to Him, for He has proven Himself to be my trustworthy friend and Savior.

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