Movie Review
We finally decided to see the new Dreamworks movie, 'Monsters vs. Aliens'. Sometimes Dreamworks can be a bit questionable in their content, but we found this new film offering to be overall acceptable. The story was compelling and the humor was age appropriate (that means my 10 year old daughter and I both laughed).
The only scene that had undesirable content, was when a government file pusher is entering a secure area of what appears to be a NORAD type facility and has to do a hand scan, retinal scan, foot scan and then sits on the scanner. If you have seen the trailer for the movie, this has been shown on TV.
The message of accepting yourself just as you are is related well through the story. We were glad to see the main character, Susan, realize her potential for good even though she wasn't just like everyone else. The General sets a good example of following through with a promise.
We saw the movie in 3-D by default, since the theatre we went to was only showing in that format. I initially thought the 3-D would be sub-standard, but was pleasantly surprised at the advances that have been made since Jaws 3. The effects were amazing, and just added to an already fun film. We left the theatre smiling and quoting memorable lines. Mom, Dad and the kids all had a great experience.
We give 'Monsters vs. Aliens' an A-. We also recommend keeping your glasses for a host of upcoming 3-D movies aimed at the family.
Film reviewed by Todd and Brook'lynn (age 10)
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